Thursday, July 14, 2011

mountain houses.

My life is full of these moments. I hope I can convey them accurately to you in some artistic fashion. In the past couple days I have:
- learned how to use an ascender to jumar up a rope to get above a climber to take photos looking down.
- bruised my thighs from said ascender+harness.
- got to see a new area, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful part of the mountain.
- drank huge cups of coffee with hot chocolate mixed in.
- went on a hike with one of my best friends
- made PBR macaroni and cheese because we didn't have milk.
- got to spend a night in the mountain house in the company of this soul sister of mine, Jade. She takes magical photographs and she helps me understand the world better.
- we hiked to a medicine wheel on top of a mountain and sat in the middle to take in the world around us.
- I came to terms with letting some people go. If they aren't good for your brain, don't keep them around.
- I woke up to my dog barking at a moose outside of the cabin window at 5 in the morning. During this confusing time, we also saw the sun rise.
- I took photographs upon photographs
- Jumped in a cold pool of collected water from rain in a natural outdoor pool.
- I thought many times again and again how lucky I am to live this life I'm living.

The countdown: 5 days until departure to Indonesia.

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