Saturday, July 18, 2009

with chaco feet

Recently I have been thrown curve balls of changes. Changes in plans; immediate and future, changes in weather; it has been so incredibly hot here and little, simple ideas that change the way I've been thinking.
And today, when I found out plans were changed, I tried not to be dissapointed, in fact, I tried to be excited about the good things that were going to be happening later on in the evening.
Sometimes it seems difficult to accept that things are moving so constantly and nothing is permanent, but I feel like if we aren't positive and trying to see the best in things, every situation is going to seem more desperate and difficult.
So today I focused on the concert that was going on at the museum tonight, Jalan Crossland. He is a bluegrass singer/songwriter from Tensleep, Wyoming and is known for his great preformances and funny songs. I had never seen him play before but have heard raves of excitement from multiple people about his arrival.
While at the concert, I found my friend Annalisa and we danced the entire night. My feet hurt and I heard incredible music. The concert was different in the fact that it was played in a barn, so you could either be inside or out. It was a comforting feeling among the change, being in the middle of a barn, dancing and laughing with 90 other strangers. I guess that proves that music can bring people together. I am overwhelmed with the feeling of exhaustion mixed with happiness. It's nice.

The Concert Hall Annalisa and I

1 comment:

  1. Jalan!! I just recently found this link to your blog on my wife, Melissa's, blog. You may or may not remember me, but that's of no matter. I just wanted to say I enjoyed looking at your blog...didn't do very much reading, mostly scrolled through the pictures -- which were amazing, and make me want to take my camera out more. They were a reminder of Wyoming, that caused me to be slightly homesick in my new far away home that is South Korea. Anyways...keep it up! I'll probably be looking at it more in the future.
